Onboard Upgrade for Existing Organizations
If you've been using Onboard up until now, you already know just how invaluable it is for getting your new hires up to speed. With this new version of Onboard, you'll have even more survey flexibility and more robust reporting. The upgrade will include a conversion of your existing data, delivering a more seamless experience and consistency of data reporting across the TINYpulse platform.
You'll still have the same default surveys as they have always been; you don't have to make any changes to them if you don't want to.
The default four surveys (Week 1, Week 2, Week 4 and Week 12) will remain the same with the following survey settings:
The Audience is all new hires.
Surveys are still set to go out during Weeks 1, 2, 4, 12 on Wednesdays at 10:00 am in the receiver’s timezone.
The Survey Questions will remain the same, with the exception of Scale type questions:
Up until now, Scale type Onboard questions had a scale of 1 to 10.
Previously-submitted Responses will be converted from 10-scale to 5-scale.
Going forward, new hires receiving Surveys will see questions rating from 1 to 5 instead of 1 to 10.
Emails will remain the same, using the default system email.
In the Survey Result reporting, the Response data will be converted from 10-scale to 5-scale:
Scores 1 and 2 in the old 10-scale will be converted and displayed as 1 in the new 5-scale
Scores 3 and 4 in the old 10-scale will be converted and displayed as 2 in the new 5-scale
Scores 5 and 6 in the old 10-scale will be converted and displayed as 3 in the new 5-scale
Scores 7 and 8 in the old 10-scale will be converted and displayed as 4 in the new 5-scale
Scores 9 and 10 in the old 10-scale will be converted and displayed as 5 in the new 5-scale
Feel free to reach out to support if you have any questions about these changes.
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