Send Targeted Surveys to New Hires with Onboard
First impressions are everything. Do you know what your new hires think about the company, their team, or the training they received during their initial time at your company? Do you even know if your new employees are being set up for success in their roles?
There's a good chance that there's room for improvement, but you need to collect that feedback from employees before you can even begin to make changes; but don't worry, surveys with TINYpulse Onboard have you covered.
(i) You must have admin or super admin permissions in Engage in order to invite new hires to TINYpulse.
In this article:
Send Onboard pulses to new hires
Triggering TINYpulse Onboard questions is easy. Just be sure to keep the Onboard checkbox selected when inviting employees to TINYpulse and they will be added to your TINYpulse account with Onboard.
Employees will then get an invitation email and have immediate access to log in to TINYpulse and start sending Cheers and anonymous suggestions, as well as voting and commenting if you have the Employee Portal features enabled. Keep reading for more information about the timing of these emails and notifications.
Pulse schedule
The Onboard surveys are sent out after the new hire's first, second, fourth, and twelfth weeks on the job. Pulses follow the same schedule as Engage in that they are sent out at 10:00 am on Wednesdays based on your organization's timezone. Surveys are open for one week each, and reminders are sent on the following Monday at 10:00 am.
Here is the email schedule that employees are set to receive Onboard pulses. If you enter:
A start date in the future: Employees will receive a welcome email at 10:00 am on their start date and their first survey the Wednesday at least one week past their start date. So go on and add users to TINYpulse the moment you know they are coming on board! We will take care of sending the right emails at the right time so there is no need to wait until their start date has passed.
A start date in the past: These employees will receive a "Welcome to TINYpulse" email within an hour from when they were added to TINYpulse, and their first survey will be delivered the next Wednesday. Take note of the first Survey date on the confirmation page after employees are invited for the exact timing.
No start date: Employees invited to TINYpulse without a start date will follow the same Onboard pulse schedule as those with a start date in the past: They will get a "Welcome to TINYpulse" email within an hour, and their first survey the next Wednesday.
First Pulse for the current day or no start date
There are some intricacies to the Pulse schedule when you invite employees to TINYpulse with a start date that is the same as the day you have invited them, as well as employees who are invited without a start date.
Add an employee to TINYpulse before Monday at 00:00 (midnight) and they will get their first pulse on their first Wednesday on the job. Add an employee to TINYpulse after Monday at 00:01 and they will receive it the following week. For example:
It is Friday and I invite a new user to TINYpulse with their start date listed for today or without a start date. They will get a Welcome email within the hour and their first Onboard pulse the very next Wednesday.
It is Monday and I invite a new user to TINYpulse with their start date listed for today or without a start date. They will get a Welcome email within the hour and their first Onboard pulse a week and a half later on their second Wednesday on the job.
Moving from Onboard to Engage Pulses
While Onboard is designed to focus on collecting feedback from your new hires during their onboarding period, Engage is designed to collect feedback from your employees during their development and retention.
Setting up Rules for Engage Surveys gives you to control over when your new hires will start to receive Engage surveys. This will help ensure that Engage survey participation is relevant to your new hires, and your Engage surveys will receive accurate feedback data.
Check out this help doc for more details about Setting up Rules for Engage Surveys for New Hires.
Default Onboard questions
Here are the four default Onboard questions:
Week 1 (open text response): What two things stood out most to you during your first week on the job?
Week 2 (scale 1-5 + open text response): How would you rate your onboarding experience thus far?
Week 4 (scale 1-5 + open text response): How effective has the onboarding process been in setting you up for success in your role?
Week 12 (scale 1-5 + open text response): Looking back on your first three months, how would you rate your overall onboarding experience?
Click here to learn how to create and schedule Onboard surveys.
Stop an employee from getting Onboard pulses
If you have invited users to TINYpulse with the Onboard checkbox selected, they will automatically receive Onboard pulses and will not get an Engage question until their sixth week at your organization. If an employee is set to receive Onboard pulses and you decide that you want them only to receive Engage questions instead, you can make that change in the employee's profile.
Just go to the Settings > User Managementpage, find the employee in the user list, click on the three dots to the right of the users' information, and select Skip Onboard Surveys (or you can select Profile and click on the Skip Onboard Surveys button there). The employee will not receive any further Onboard surveys, and they will only receive Engage surveys going forward.
Localization for Onboard surveys
Do you have a global workforce? Communicate with new hires in their preferred language with localization for Onboard surveys.
Localization for Onboard is similar to the Engage localization feature. To learn more about localization, visit our "Understanding Localization" support article.
To custom translate your Onboard surveys, visit the Onboard Manage Survey page. When the survey is in draft mode, click edit (the pencil icon beside the Launch Survey button). Once you've organized your survey questions, scroll down to the Language section with the option to Customize Language.
The next steps for Onboard localization follows the same process as Engage localization, please visit our "Adding Custom Translations to Custom Surveys" support article to learn more.
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