Integrate with Namely
Does your organization use Namely to organize your employees? Did you know that you can integrate Namely with TINYpulse to simplify your user management? No longer will you have to manually add users one by one, or send an import file to the TINYpulse Customer Success team. Once we have set up the integration for you, your users will automatically sync into TINYpulse.
What we need
To get started we will need the following pieces of information:
- Please create a new Namely API key. To create a new API please follow these instructions, but keep in mind you must be a Namely Super Administrator to create the key:
- Log in to your Namely account
- Click on the person icon in the top right
- Click API
- Click Personal Access Tokens
- Name your access token - we suggest: TINYpulse Token
- Copy the access token
- We will need the name of your subdomain, for example, “”.
- We will need to confirm with you the field you want to have mapped to the existing System Attributes, and the fields you want to be mapped as Custom Attributes (if any). This does not have to be done right away and can be added after the integration has gone live, however, we recommend having this set up ahead of time.
- Lastly, we need to know if you would like new users added via the integration to be put into Onboard or Engage.
Some important details
- Once we have all of the information listed above, our developers can begin setting up the connection. On average, the setup is usually completed within 5-7 business days.
- When the connection is established, we will sync the users between Namely and TINYpulse weekly on Tuesdays.
- All users in Namely will be added to TINYpulse.
( ! )If a user is already in TINYpulse but does not come through in the weekly sync from Namely, that user will be automatically deactivated by omission. Namely is at all times the ultimate source of truth for your user base.
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