Goals Administration for Coach Admins
As an Admin in Coach, you can view and create Goals for anyone in your organization with Coach permissions.
Viewing Goals
In the Reports tab, select Coach, and click on the Compliance page. Here you can:
- Find direct reports and/or managers who need to have a 1-on-1 added or updated
- Update users' managers
- View and set up users Individual Goals
To see details on each of the Individual Goals that a user has:
1. Navigate to the Compliance page by opening up the Reports tab and the Coach section.
2. In the Compliance page, you will see an overview of what parts of Coach each user is utilizing:
- If a user has not set up Goals, an Add Goal button will be displayed in Goals column.
- If a user has at least one Goal, the number of Goals the user has will be displayed in Goals column
Please note, if a user does not have a manager assigned to them, a user will show as having 0 Goals in the Goals column. A user must have a manager for you to see their Goals.
3. Click on the hyperlinked number of active Goals that the user has or on the three dots to the right of their information, select Review Goals, then you will see the Goal Review popup for that user.
4. All active Goals for that user will be displayed in Goal Review popup. You can quickly navigate between each of the user's Goals by clicking on each Goal’s title.
Adding Goals for other users
To add an Individual Goal for a user:
1. Navigate to the Compliance page by opening up the Reports tab and the Coach section.
2. If the user does not have any other Goals, click on the New Goal button in the Goals column. If the user has already set up at least one Goal, click on the three dots to the right of their information, select Review Goals, and click on the Add Goal button in the resulting popup.
3. Enter the Goal's Title, Description (the best Goals are SMART!), Due date (optional), Additional users to be assigned the Goal (optional), and Align the Goal to a Company Goal (optional).
4. Click on the Create Goal button to save the Goal for this user.
The newly created Goal will now appear in this user's Active Goals list. Employees and their Managers will be able to add Notes, update Progress, and complete the Goal.
Can Admins edit, Complete, Archive, or delete users' Goals from the Compliance page?
Admins are only able to create Goals for other users. They are not able to edit users' existing Goals.
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