Question Type - Multi-Select
While the survey questions in TINYpulse themselves are not limited, there are some cases where the company needs more targeted focus than a Yes/No question can answer, or more details than a multiple choice answer can give.
Yes / No or Multiple Choice-type responses can only address one aspect / give you one answer at a time.
- Open Text responses give employees the ability to speak their mind and provide answers in their own words. But often times, the responses are unstructured and require a lot of extra time to analyze. Sometimes, questions may be too general for the employees who lose direction and respond irrelevantly.
With Multi-Select Questions, employees have the opportunity to directly indicate which areas they feel are the most important. Sometimes, it’s more than one, and the results may surprise you! Just like other question types, you can find Multi-Select in the Survey Type drop-down, when creating a new survey. (i) Note -Multi-Select response options are only available in Flexible Survey types.

From there, your employees can select all that apply, and feel free to add any other comments as usual.
Results for the Multi-Select question type will look similar to this, with results displayed in colored bar graphs:
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