Celebrate Change with the Wall of Wins
As leaders who care about company culture and happier employees, you already know that TINYpulse is invaluable in gathering feedback to promote positive change within your workplace. A lot of the hard work that goes into responding to feedback and inciting change happens in the background and is not necessarily immediately visible to your teams.
To celebrate the positive change that's happening in your workplace as a direct result of TINYpulse feedback, take advantage of the Wall of Wins. The Wall of Wins lets you document and showcase all the positive changes that you have made based on employee feedback. Once you add Wins, you can use the URL to share the WoW page with employees, advisors, candidates, and customers. In addition, the WoW page will also have a tab for you to add your organization's mission, vision, and values.
Add a win
Once you have sent out one TINYpulse survey, gotten some feedback, and taken action, you can add a Win. Wins are special and should be reserved for feedback that you have taken positive action to improve. You can add a win for both survey Responses and Suggestions, but Suggestions are the most common wins since the employee is directly suggesting that some action should take place.
Add an item to the Wall of Wins by finding the piece of feedback you have addressed and resolved and selecting Win from the status dropdown menu. Just add a title and your explanation of why it is a Win and click Save to post it to the Wall of Wins.
When you post a new Win, choose to notify all employees or specific Groups via email to draw their attention to the achievement.
If you decide to notify some or all of your employees, then they will receive an email notification with an announcement of the Win.
Another way to keep employees updated throughout the process is by using the Wins Board. Track the progress of initiatives (Suggestions, Responses, or add your own idea) and celebrate Wins directly in the Employee Portal where everyone can participate. Learn more.
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