Manage Company Goals
Company goals are powerful. The more public you can make your goals, the more likely it is your team will work hard to attain them. Transparency of goals drives performance because it creates both a commitment and a sense of urgency. In Coach, we have made the Company Goals concept as simple as possible.
As a TINYpulse administrator, only you have access to create and manage Company goals. You can get here by clicking on New Goal on the goals screen. You will then have an option to choose an individual goal or a company goal.
At TINYpulse, we believe transparency is a key tenet to a successful employee engagement strategy, so Company goals are public. Once team members align themselves to a Company goal, their goal, name and progress bar will be visible to the company giving everyone a clear view of goal alignment.
- Do any notifications go out when I open or close a Company goal?
Feedback from our clients was that Company goal announcements are a big deal to everyone so we decided not to do any automated notifications. The best practice is to open and close goals in a company-wide type meeting with an accompanying email from senior leadership such as the CEO.
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